Thursday, March 14, 2013


The courage of Esther is one of my favorite stories of the bible.  It is also my daughter's favorite.  I hope the message of this video can inspire courage in your lives and trials.  Remember, with God, nothing is impossible.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why no cross on Mormon churches and temples?

Where is the Cross?

The Symbol of Our Faith
Some feel that the absence of crosses in our churches and temples suggest that Mormons are not Christians.  President Gordon B. Hinckley, April 2005, explained his feelings about the cross.  He stated, "...the cross is the symbol of the dying Christ, while our message is a declaration of the Living Christ....the lives of our people must become the most meaningful expression of our faith and, in fact, therefore, the symbol of our worship."

Click on the picture above to read the entire talk.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cup Cakes a plenty

Here's Your Cup of Cake

Click the cupcake
Click on the picture to the right and you can get a preview of this new cookbook. It's here in the store, right now.  Yum, yum...

Spring is almost here

March is here, Spring is near

With Spring just around the corner, we are thinking about warm weather, cleaning out the winter cobwebs and rearranging the furniture. 

Come in and find some great deals on some good books and home deco.

 Deep Cover

New from Covenant
Are you a Traci Hunter Abramson fan?  Well you don't have to wait any longer for her latest book.  Out now and on our shelf.

Twenty-eight-year-old Kelsey Weber is one of the CIA’s finest undercover agents. After two years under deep cover in Salman Nassar’s desert compound, she’s unearthed vital information on the volatile Middle Eastern extremist sect. When her allegiance is called into question, Nassar teaches her a lesson she won’t forget—with a bullet to the leg. Kelsey is whisked out of the field to recuperate in the safety of her missionary parents’ empty Virginia home. But civilian life proves to be more complicated than Kelsey anticipated when she meets FBI agent Noah Cabbott, the handsome neighbor tasked by her parents with safeguarding the family home in their absence. As their relationship deepens, she’s torn by her inability to divulge who—and what—she really is.In a twist of fate, their separate investigations converge in a horrifying plot that threatens the nation’s security, and Kelsey’s identity is revealed. She and Noah have been assigned as members of a secret task force, united with one common goal: to thwart Nassar’s impending terrorist attack. As the situation grows increasingly dire, she is horrified to learn that there is a traitor in their midst: An agency mole has been leaking information to the enemy. Kelsey’s world is thrown into chaos with the shocking realization that nothing is as it seems, and each step toward the truth draws her deeper into a web of conspiracy more intricate and deadly than she dreamed . . .

Joseph a Stalwart Witness

New England, 1820: the Second Great Awakening sweeps through the land, fanning flames of religious fervor like a slumbering brush fire awakened by the wind. In Palmyra, New York, revivals of faith soon develop into wars of words as convert rails against convert, neighbor against neighbor, parent against child. In the midst of the uproar a young boy named Joseph Smith stands forth with a claim that two glorious personages appeared to him in the woods and declared none of the churches in the land contained the fullness of the truth. What follows is an unfolding tale of social and spiritual drama surrounding this boy-prophet who founded one of the most controversial and compelling religious movements in American history. Captured here in vibrant historical fiction by an inspired author who made its telling her life work, and validated by Elder John K. Carmack of the Seventy, this account uniquely illuminates and enlivens the story of Joseph Smith as a stalwart witness of the Lord and builder of His kingdom in the latter days.


Visions of Glory
In this true account of near-death experiences, we learn about the miracles of the millennium, the return of the Ten Tribes, the building of the New Jerusalem and temple, and many other astonishing events long prophesied in scripture but never before described in such vivid detail. Visions of Glory is a mesmerizing and fascinating read that you will not be able to put down.
The Parable of the Marinade
“The best barbecued chicken I ever tasted was marinated,” says John Bytheway. Who would have thought a powerful life lesson could come from a barbecue? While flying home after a business trip, John had a brief encounter with a very talented performer who had left Hollywood because he had learned for himself the advice of a mentor was true: “You will eventually become what you surround yourself with.” This word of warning is also a formula for success and happiness. Whether we realize it or not, whether we believe it or not, we are all marinating in something! What have we chosen to surround ourselves with? In this thought-provoking presentation, John Bytheway urges listeners to “marinate” in great music, great feelings, great literature, and great company