Friday, June 28, 2013

Walking in Circles

By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The Landmark of the Scriptures

Without spiritual landmarks, mankind wanders as well. Without the word of God, we walk in circles.
Both as individuals and as societies, we see this pattern repeated over and over in every dispensation since the beginning of time. When we lose sight of the word of God, we tend to get lost.
This is undoubtedly the reason the Lord commanded Lehi to send his sons back to Jerusalem for the brass plates. God knew that the descendants of Lehi would need reliable landmarks—points of reference—that would provide a guide they could use to determine if they were on course.
The scriptures are the word of God. They are God’s landmarks that show the way we should travel in order to draw closer to our Savior and reach worthy goals.

The Landmark of General Conference

The instructions given at general conference are another landmark that can help us know if we are on course.
Occasionally I ask myself, “Did I listen to the words given by the men and women who spoke at the most recent general conference of the Church? Have I read and reread their words? Have I pondered them and applied them to my life? Or have I just enjoyed the fine talks and neglected to apply their inspired messages in my personal life?”
Maybe while you were listening or reading, you jotted down a note or two. Perhaps you made a commitment to do some things better or differently. Just think about the messages of last general conference. Many encouraged us to strengthen our families and improve our marriages. This issue of the Liahona also focuses on these eternal values, with many practical recommendations to bless our lives.
Are we noting and applying this worthwhile counsel? Are we recognizing and walking toward these real and valuable landmarks?

The Antidote to Wandering

Spiritual landmarks are indispensable for keeping us on the straight and narrow path. They give clear direction as to the way we should travel—but only if we recognize them and walk toward them.
If we refuse to be guided by these landmarks, they become meaningless, decorative masses that have no purpose but to break up the flatness of the horizon.
    It’s not enough to go solely by our instincts.
    It’s not enough to have the best of intentions.
    It won’t do to rely only on our natural senses.
Even when we think we are following a straight spiritual path, without true landmarks to guide us—without the guidance of the Spirit—we will tend to wander.
Let us, therefore, open our eyes and see the landmarks our benevolent God has provided to His children. Let us read, hear, and apply the word of God. Let us pray with real intent and listen to and follow the promptings of the Spirit. Once we have recognized the supernal landmarks offered by our loving Heavenly Father, we should set our course by them. We should also make regular course corrections as we orient ourselves toward spiritual landmarks.
In this way, we will not wander in circles but walk with confidence and certainty toward that great heavenly blessing that is the birthright of all who walk in the straight and narrow way of Christ’s discipleship.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lamb to the Slaughter

Today marks the 169th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  His brother Hyrum was also killed.  John Taylor was injured, but survived, and Willard Richards escaped without harm.

Music from Joseph, A Tribute to the Prophet--Nashville Tribute Band

At 3:15 p. m., John Taylor sang "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" and the Prophet asked him to sing it again. Hyrum read extracts from Josephus. At 4:00 p. m. there was a change of guard and eight men were left to guard the jail. The main body of the Carthage Greys camped about a quarter mile from the jail at the public square. At 5:00 p.m., the jailer, Mr. Stigall, returned to the jail and told them Stephen Markham had been driven from Carthage and had fled to Nauvoo. He suggested that the men move to the cell as they would be safer there. Joseph replied that they would after dinner. Joseph asked Willard Richards if he would go into the cell with him. Dr. Richards replied that not only would he do that, but "'if you are condemned to be hung for treason, I will be hung in your stead, and you shall go free.' Joseph said, 'You cannot.' The doctor replied, 'I will.'" (History of the Church, 6:616). 

A few moments later the attack on the jail began. Hyrum was killed first. John Taylor was shot and he fell under the bed, but survived. Willard Richards was not injured. The Prophet Joseph sprang to the window and was shot. Falling out the window he said, "O Lord, my God!" The mob dispersed almost immediately when a call went up that "the Mormons are coming." 

A message was sent to Nauvoo written by Willard Richards that stated, "Joseph and Hyrum are dead. Taylor wounded, not very badly. I am well. Our guard was forced, as we believe, by a hand of Missourians from 100 to 200. The job was done in an instant, and the party fled towards Nauvoo instantly. This is as I believe it. The citizens here are afraid of the Mormons attacking them. I promise them no!" (History of the Church, 6:621-622). 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nashville Tribute Band Concert Information

Nashville Tribute Band is coming
to Plachy Hall
208 Edgemont Blvd
Adams State University Campus
Alamosa, CO
 August 9th @ 7:00 pm!!
(Doors open at 6:00 pm)

You can save by purchasing your tickets ahead.

Tickets will be $12.50 at the door.

Tickets are available at 
Books 'n Crannies,
or call us at 
719-589-6657 / 719-580-4158,
 pay with credit card and
pick up at the door (Will Call),
purchase here through PayPal
and tickets will be waiting for you.

Individual or Family ticket
(Tickets are also available in your wards in the Manassa and Alamosa Stakes.)

Lance Rhoton, Show Low AZ said:  "This is a concert that you do not want to miss.  Everybody should make plans to see these guys from Nashville.  You will be walking out better than you were when you walked in"
Suggested Donations:
8 years and up are $10.00 each (pre-sale)
Family of 5 or more (immediate members) $50.00
Individual tickets at the door will be $12.50
Children 7 years and under are FREE

Proceeds are to be donated to the
General Missionary Fund of the
 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nashville Tribute Band

They're Coming!!

Nashville Tribute Band and Due West are coming August 9th. 

If you don't know who they are yet, you will and you won't forget this performance.

"This is a concert that you do not want to miss. Everybody should make plans to see these guys from Nashville. You will be walking out better than when you walk in."  Lance Rhoton, AZ

Did you serve a mission?  Do you have a missionary?  You can surely relate to this video.

Tickets are $10.00 each until July 1st and then they go up to $12.50.  Call us--719-589-6657.