Saturday, March 29, 2014

Words can...

"Words" from Christian rock band Hawk Nelson. 
The lyrics read, 
"Words can build us up. Words can break us down. 
 Start a fire in our hearts or put it out."

What do our words say to others.  Well a youth group in Pleasant Grove Utah Mount Mahogany Stake 4th Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wanted to see if positive words could have an impact on people. They were surprised at how quickly they found out. 

This unexpected youth activity taught a group of young men and women the power of positive words and is now reaching beyond the small group to thousands.

The young men wrote words and phrases about each young woman while the girls were in another room. They then had each girl come into the room to be surprised with the positive words from the boys. 

The girl's reactions were more enthusiastic than Johnson or the young men had anticipated.  The girls enjoyed their experience so much, they all stayed in the room to watch as the rest of the girls came in and read the kind words written about them.

Watch the video here:

Tim Johnson, art director at KSL Television, was one of the leaders
 in charge of the combined teen activity.