Friday, November 25, 2011

Small Business Saturday Sale

Small Business Saturday Sale
All items in the store will be on sale tomorrow...
26 Nov 2011
from 10:00--2:00!!
Every item will be discounted 10% off full retail price.
Any orders placed and paid for will also receive the
10% discount.
Also announcing...
Elder David A. Bednar is coming out with a new book just in time for holiday gift giving.
There is a strict sale/instore date of
1 December 2011 for this book and the
Regular price will be $26.99,
but any pre-orders will receive
the 10% discount. 
(Must be paid for at time of order.)
Forget-Me-Not figurines that have been paid for
may be picked up any time.
The second order for the figurines is on its way
and should be here Tuesday.
If you requested one of these please come in
and pick them up.
Pre-payment discount on Saturday may be applied to the figurines coming in this order.
The Down East Shirts are on their way.
They were shipped on Wednesday and should arrive
by Tuesday.
New colors and some larger sizes are in the order.

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