Monday, March 12, 2012

Ladies' Night

It's almost time for...

                                        Ladies' Night!!

Our biannual Ladies' Night will be held on 31 Mar 2012 from 5:00-8:00 pm

            New products, like...

New CTR Magnet boards in two sizes
9" $12.99 and 30" 34.99.

Discounts tags for instant and future purchases to be found in:

                                   EASTE EGGS   
                                    & BALLOONS                                       

When you are ready to purchase your items, you can choose an egg or balloon and bring it to the register and see what your discount will be.  Some will be instant savings, some freebies and a few will be extra entries for a special 5x7 canvas Liz Lemon print. (More details on that print to be announced.)

We have a new dedicated "Sale" area and we'll be adding items there for some deep discounts.

Look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday night. 
While the men are at Priesthood, be sure to come on down. 

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