Friday, April 18, 2014

He is Risen #BecauseofHim

He is Risen

We each have very personal gratitude for the Savior's life, mission, atonement, death and ultimate resurrection. I am personally very grateful for membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and bear my testimony that it contains the fullness of the restored gospel with everything I need to gain eternal life together with my family. I bear testimony that Jesus Christ lives and is at the head of this church. I share my testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, that it contains the word of God and stands as a companion to the Bible as a second witness of Jesus Christ. I know that Pres. Thomas S. Monson serves as the current prophet of God on the earth today. I know Joseph Smith, who gave his own life as a martyr to seal with blood his testimony of the restored gospel, was indeed a prophet of God and the first prophet of this dispensation.  May you all enjoy a blessed Easter full of gratitude for the Savior, Jesus Christ. #BecauseofHim

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