Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WATERFALL MEMORIES A Parable of Motherhood

A perfect, inexpensive gift for anyone who mothers.

By Merrilee Browne Boyack  $2.99

"Motherhood is hard.  There are hours and days and weeks and months and years of hard work.  There are sick children to care for, messes to clean, decisions to make.  But through it all, thre are moments that take your breath away.  And as we look back on the experience, we remember the waterfalls."

A promised stroll by the river turned into a "horrible" 4 hour hike and an exhausted mother of 4 boys tells how looking back she remembers the waterfalls and rainbows. 

This heartwarming parable of motherhood will remind you of all the wonderful opportunities women have to love and nurture those around them, whether their own children or not. 

Call or come in an order yours today.

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