Friday, April 18, 2014

He is Risen #BecauseofHim

He is Risen

We each have very personal gratitude for the Savior's life, mission, atonement, death and ultimate resurrection. I am personally very grateful for membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and bear my testimony that it contains the fullness of the restored gospel with everything I need to gain eternal life together with my family. I bear testimony that Jesus Christ lives and is at the head of this church. I share my testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, that it contains the word of God and stands as a companion to the Bible as a second witness of Jesus Christ. I know that Pres. Thomas S. Monson serves as the current prophet of God on the earth today. I know Joseph Smith, who gave his own life as a martyr to seal with blood his testimony of the restored gospel, was indeed a prophet of God and the first prophet of this dispensation.  May you all enjoy a blessed Easter full of gratitude for the Savior, Jesus Christ. #BecauseofHim

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Words can...

"Words" from Christian rock band Hawk Nelson. 
The lyrics read, 
"Words can build us up. Words can break us down. 
 Start a fire in our hearts or put it out."

What do our words say to others.  Well a youth group in Pleasant Grove Utah Mount Mahogany Stake 4th Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wanted to see if positive words could have an impact on people. They were surprised at how quickly they found out. 

This unexpected youth activity taught a group of young men and women the power of positive words and is now reaching beyond the small group to thousands.

The young men wrote words and phrases about each young woman while the girls were in another room. They then had each girl come into the room to be surprised with the positive words from the boys. 

The girl's reactions were more enthusiastic than Johnson or the young men had anticipated.  The girls enjoyed their experience so much, they all stayed in the room to watch as the rest of the girls came in and read the kind words written about them.

Watch the video here:

Tim Johnson, art director at KSL Television, was one of the leaders
 in charge of the combined teen activity. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Saratov Approach

The Saratov Approach 

Larry King said, “It was a wonderful film."

DVD & BluRay
The Saratov Approach is the extraordinary, untold story of Elders Travis Tuttle and Andrew Propst and their week-long abduction in Saratov, Russia.
On an ordinary day during their two-year LDS missions, these two missionaries are approached by Nikolai to meet a friend. But what followed took them into an unimaginable experience--kidnapped, beaten, and held for ransom for nearly a week--on the other side of the world.

While their families, friends and the world pray for their safe return, Tuttle and Propst are tested physically, emotionally and—most of all—spiritually.

In just two weeks, the indie has grossed nearly
$500K on only 23 screens.

Film Reporter

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Like a Broken Vessel

Gentle frowny face man
So I received the dreaded phone call from our Ward Clerk on Tuesday night.  Yep, I have to get to talk in church this Sunday. 
I was assigned to speak on the talk from October 2013 General Conference by Elder Jeffery R. Holland--Like a Broken Vessel.  

I recalled the talk in my head and thought, how can I do this with justice--to the topic, and his amazing ability to teach through his words.  I feel very inadequate to stand without just reading the entire talk and I must say, I don't like to listen to a speaker "just read" the talk, and I'm pretty sure Bro. Reynolds didn't say, "Will you read the talk by Elder Holland in church this Sunday?"  He asked me to speak, and my subject was to be the talk by Elder Holland.  

So, I came home and listened, again and again, to the talk and hoping thoughts and ideas would come to me.  Well, I'm printing out the scary frowny face man from my primary days, along with a new, more gentle frowny face and hoping for inspiration through study and prayer. 

For those of you who may be interested in listening again or for the first time, here is the talk.

( I do love to listen to him.  I feel very lucky to have known him through our ward in Provo
 when Greg and I were attending BYU and he was the president.  His home was in our ward boundaries
 and we got to know him, his wife Pat and their children.  What a blessing.)

I know too many who have succumb to discouragement and the feelings of depression.  I have lost dear friends and family of dear friends to this powerful tool of Satan as he tries to discourage us and make us feel incapable of success or love or value or hope.

Creepy frowny face man from
my childhood days in primary.
So my talk begins with:  1 Peter 3:8
and then:

If you chance to meet a frown, (pull corners of mouth down to a frown)
Do not let it stay. (shake head from side to side)
Quickly turn it upside down
And smile that frown away. (push corners of mouth into a smile) 
No one likes a frowning face. (pull corners of mouth down to a frown)
Change it for a smile. (push corners of mouth into a smile)
Make the world a better place
By smiling all the while. (nod head up and down)

and we'll see where I go from there.

Prayers are welcomed.  :)

(Please don't think I'm making light of a very serious topic with my little frowny faced men.  They are used to teach us at a very young age to smile and it is real that it is very hard to feel down when you put a smile on your face.  It has a very positive affect on your psyche to smile.)