Friday, November 23, 2012

Saints and Soldiers Airborne Creed

Saints and Soldiers Airborn Creed
A few good men can change a war

From the producers of the 1st Saints and Soldiers movie comes Saints and Soldiers - Airborne Creed.  This movie is based on actual events and tells the action-packed story of three World War II U.S. Army paratroopers--Rossi (Corbin Allred), Jones (David Nibley), and Curtis (Jasen Wade)--fighting desperately to fulfill their mission against seemingly insurmountable odds.
Cut off behind enemy lines after parachuting into Southern France during Operation Dragoon, their commitment to the Airborne Creed urges them forward--and proves that a few good men can change a war.

For Times of Trouble

For Times of Trouble

Spiritual Solace from the Psalms
Jeffrey R. Holland

"Yes, there will be stress and sorrow in life, and we will not always get the answer from heaven we prefer, but God will always give us the answer we need - and with it He will give both stregth anad spiritual solace in all our times of trouble."

Includes a two hour DVD with Elder Holland addressing questions from a live audience regarding challenging issues in the last days.

It's that time of year...

Yep, it's time to start thinking of those gifts to put under the tree and some stocking stuffers, too.  If you are like my family and things are a little tight this year, you are looking for items that are quality, value and substance. 

Well, here are a few ideas and there will be more to come.


The Book of Mormon Quiz Bee has 28 Book of Mormon stories and over 195 questions and answers to test your knowledge of the Book of Mormon.  This is small enough to fit in your scripture tote and will be a great gift for the kids in your family - young and old.  I have even enjoyed it and I'm a "big kid."  :)

A Prophet's Voice
messages from Thomas S Monson

A Prophet's Voice brings together more than fifty of the countless messages of wisdom, inspiration, and doctrinal insight given by President Monson over his nearly fifty years as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is perhaps best known for his gift of weaving true accounts into his addresses, bringing gospel principles to life through the enlightening experiences of individuals he has met or heard of in his ministry 

These classic addresses, including all the major general conference sermons President Monson has given since becoming the sixteenth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Filled with warmth and reflection, these messages demonstrate the worth of every soul and the power of personal examples in our lives.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Exercise - It Does a Body Good

I came across this article about exercise.  It has some great information about how to keep your brain healthy along with your body.  Liked it so much, I wanted to share it with y'all. CLICK ON THE PICTURE to go to the article in LDS living.

Now, get out there and exercise your body and your brain.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

5 Temptation Killers by Hank Smith

Hank Smith teaches in the Religious Education Department at BYU and is a favorite speaker for Especially for Youth, Best of Especially for Youth, and BYU Education Week.

Click on the picture below to listen to an exerpt from his latest talk on CD. 
 Learn about 5 temptation killers, including mom and dad - who'da thought.  :)

Hank and his wife, Sara, were both born and raised in St. George, Utah.
They are the parents of one daughter and two sons.
 Brother Smith enjoys running marathons and eating lots and lots of ice cream
 (which is why he runs marathons).  More than anything else, he loves being at home spending all day with his wife and children.

Friday, September 21, 2012

New Fall Books and Things Catalog

Take a look at our new

Fall Catalog

Loads of new items. 

Click on the picture below to go inside and browse, then give us a call
and let's get you the items you want.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Rent Collector by Camron Wright

New book, just out by Camron Wright.

Watch the trailor:

Great book.  I'm reading it right now.  For sale - $22.99.

Will be giving one of these away at our Ladies' Night.  Watch for more information this month.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


It's our 1st Anniversary,

and we want to celebrate with all of you!

We're having an Anniversary Sale! 
  • 10% off every regular priced item in the store (excluding items already marked down for clearance); 
  • 20% off framed pictures (in house inventory only);
  • Begin - $14.98
  • 20% off all wall plaques and home decor;
And...we're having a drawing for 
one Free CD -"BEGIN
David Archuleta's
release just prior to his mission. 
(One entry with every $30.00 purchase.)

Here's a teaser for you to watch/listen to:

(David performs the REM classic "Everybody Hurts" with an orchestra which includes producer
Kurt Bestor. The shots of David were recorded in a studio the day before he left on his mission.)

Monday, August 27, 2012

ABC looks at the Mormon Church

Last week, there were two shows that focused on the Mormon Faith.  The NBC show seemed to over shadow these ABC spots.  I thought they were pretty good and wanted to share what some of you might not have seen.

This first video was aired Wednesday Aug. 22nd.  It touches on the history and faith of the church.

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Read:  What Do Mormons Believe?

This second video aired Thursday Aug 23rd takes us inside one of the temples.  They didn't say which one, but it could have been the newly completed Brigham City Temple which has not been dedicated yet and is currently having open house.

  video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Read:  Mormonism: A Peek Inside Temple, Rituals and Family Life

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

Exercise pure and simple faith

Alma 32:27
27 But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words. 

This has long been one of my favorite scriptures.  When I feel like the world is collapsing around me and I don't know how to "fix" things, I turn to this scripture and know that if I can" exercise a particle of faith," the Lord will do his part.  He keeps his promises.

I came across this video this morning and I wanted to share it.

We all have days, moments, weeks, etc., when we feel like we are at the end of our rope. We're holding on to threads of hope and they are unwinding fast and our grip is weakening.  I'm not saying that in every situation you should expect a little extra to show up in your pocket, but sometimes it's the blessings we don't see or the experiences we are spared that become the answer to our prayers. 

I hope to gain the kind of faith this young woman has.  What a testimony. 


Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Wedding Month

June represents the month of weddings and the beginning of marriages.

Take a look at this video with real life advice from some newlywed and not-so-newlywed couples, and Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  His true eternal love for his wife is an inspiration for all.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Praise to the Man

Praise to the Man - Joseph Smith, Jr.
Prophet, Seer, and Revelator

23 December 1805 - 27 June 1844

All Joseph had to do was deny what had happened to him and he would have gone down as a madman or lunatic. His name would have been forgotten, but the work would go on. He was told that he had been chosen to usher in this the last dispensation, but if he had refused the Lord would have found another. Heavenly Father's work will not be halted and will go on.

Many felt that upon the death of Joseph Smith, the members of the church would scatter and the church itself would falter and dissipate into nothing. Little did they know that it was not Joseph Smith's church, but the Lord's church. It would go on to fill the earth as a stone cut without hands 'til it fills the entire earth. We are witnessing that today.

Elder Jeffrey R Holland
Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
"As one of a thousand elements of my own testimony of the divinity of the Book of Mormon, I submit this as yet one more evidence of its truthfulness. In this their greatest—and last—hour of need, I ask you: would these men blaspheme before God by continuing to fix their lives, their honor, and their own search for eternal salvation on a book (and by implication a church and a ministry) they had fictitiously created out of whole cloth?
Never mind that their wives are about to be
widows and their children fatherless. Never mind that their little band of followers will yet be “houseless, friendless and homeless” and that their children will leave footprints of blood across frozen rivers and an untamed prairie floor.9 Never mind that legions will die and other legions live declaring in the four quarters of this earth that they know the Book of Mormon and the Church which espouses it to be true. Disregard all of that, and tell me whether in this hour of death these two men would enter the presence of their Eternal Judge quoting from and finding solace in a book which, if not the very word of God, would brand them as imposters and charlatans until the end of time? They would not do that! They were willing to die rather than deny the divine origin and the eternal truthfulness of the Book of Mormon."                 
                                                      Elder Jeffrey R Holland - General Conference Oct 2009
                                                            (click on this link to listen or read this tesitmony)

To this I would like to add my own testimony:

I know that Jesus Christ lives and that He died for me; through him, and only him, I can return to live with my Heavenly Father. Through Christ's atonement, he offers me the opportunity for repentance and eternal life with my Father-in-Heaven, Christ and my earthly family.  He will stand as my advocate with the Father at the time of my judgment if I will use his atonement in my life.

We are blessed to have a living prophet today, in President Thomas S. Monson. Heavenly Father never intended to leave us alone with revelation halted, but instead gives us a prophet today who receives revelation and guidence for us as a church in this the latter-days. We need not follow blindly, but pray and gain our own testimony of the words we hear from the General Authorities of the church.  Receiving personal revelation for our daily lives is our privilege as children of God.

I know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. Not by him, but through him the gospel was restored in our time.  Joseph's life was devoted to restoring the Gospel of Jesus Christ in it's fulness, as it existed at the time Christ lived here on the earth.

The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and was translated by Joseph Smith. It stands as a second witness to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.  I know that because I have read it.  I was taught by my parents, but was told by my father, that I would not be able to live on his testimony, I needed to gain my own.  That I have done.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Across the Sea - Across the Plains

by Shelli Simmons

Willie & Martin Handcart Companies
from Europe to Zion

Join the handcart pioneers in their epic journey to Zion. Beginning with the conversions and persecutions they experienced in Europe, this remarkable book shares the true story of the Martin and Willie handcart companies as you've never heard it before. Follow along through the miracles and heartbreaks with eye-witness accounts, first-hand documents, and personal testimonies. Thorough and well-researched, this is a must-read! 

President Thomas S. Monson stated:

Inspiring Faith

“We each can learn much from our early pioneer ancestors, whose struggles and heartaches were met with resolute courage and an abiding faith in a living God. … Youth and children were among the thousands who pulled and pushed handcarts or walked along that pioneer trail, just as they are among the Saints today who are pioneering in their own areas throughout the world. I think that there is not a member of this Church today who has not been touched by the accounts of the early pioneers. Those who did so much for the good of all surely had as their objective to inspire faith. They met the goal in a magnificent manner.” (Teaching Our Children,” Liahona and Ensign, Oct. 2004 4.) Click here to go to this talk

Friday, June 15, 2012

EFY 2012 - Arise and Shine Forth



Official EFY album of 2012
Click on the picture

We just received the new CD for EFY 2012 - Arise and Shine Forth.
 If you've gone to EFY this year, click on the picture above, 
enter your code and download your music. 

If you haven't  gone and want to hear previews of this year's music,
click on the picture and then click on the name of the song and artist 
to hear a sample.

Then come in and buy or order your own CD from the store for $16.98.

Give us a call.

Chicken Spaghetti

 So, this week we're shaing a Family Favorite:

   Chicken Spaghetti    

We have been making this recipe for years and it has become the #1 requested dish.

It's simple and can be made as a quick meal for a few, or double up on the ingredients and it’s ready for company or a great potluck dish guaranteed to come home an empty pan. 
This recipe, with a few extra noodles, serves my family of 2 grown boys, 1 husband, two younger children and me, with a little for the fridge.  It used to feed my entire family of 9 when the 7 kids were all younger and all living at home. 

You will need: 
  • 1  lg (12.4 oz) can chunk chicken (preferred) or;   2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded - save the water to boil the noodles
  • 1  8 oz pkg spaghetti noodles  (Note: you can add about 2-3 additional servings of spaghetti noodles to this recipe as it is, before you need to double up on the soup mixture. It starts to get a little dry after that.)
  • 2  cups chicken broth (we use 2 tsp chicken base in a scant 2 cups hot water)
  • 1  can Cream of Chicken soup
  • 1  can Cheddar Cheese soup (can substitute Nacho Cheese, Cheese and Broccoli, etc.)
  • 1  8 oz. sour cream
  •  shredded cheese (your choice; we like cheddar or cheddar mixture) 
Preheat oven to 350º F  

If you are using fresh chicken breasts, add a small amount of salt to a pot of water, add chicken breasts and boil until fully cooked; about 20 min. Remove chicken from water and cool; cut up or shred and set aside.  Don't throw out the water; you can reuse it to boil the noodles.

Cook your noodles according to the instructions on the package and drain.  

If you are using chunk chicken from a can (we like to call it chicken tuna), boil the noodles, drain and return them to the pot.  Open the can of chicken and drain the juice over the noodles and stir to coat; it has some good chicken flavor that adds to the whole dish.  Break up the chicken pieces and set aside to mix with next ingredients. 

In a separate bowl, stir together the prepared chicken broth, soups, and sour cream; add shredded chicken and mix well.  Combine soup mixture with cooked spaghetti and stir until the noodles are well coated.

Pour everything into a 9x13 pan and sprinkle with shredded cheese; cover with foil and place in the oven for approx. 20 min.  Remove foil and bake an additional 5 minutes, until the edges bubble and the cheese is melted.  Remove and serve; my husband likes to sprinkle bread crumbs over his own at this point.  I like it with a green salad on the side. 

Hope you enjoy!  

The photo isn't very colorful, but it does show what it should look like

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hungry Games

Ok, this one's just for fun.  All us "moms" have felt this way at least once and if you haven't I take a knee in your honor. 


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Unitards is here!


It's described as "High School Musical meets Napolean Dynamite..."--Las Vegas Review Journal

You be the judge...



Lewis Grady just won the student-body elections at Skyline High School and Vice Principal Spooner has big plans for the goof-off high school senior.
Charged with the difficult challenge of bringing school spirit back to Skyline, Lewis teams up with his two odd-ball friends to change the school forever. And they have the perfect way to do it: a guys-only dance team called the Unitards.
As Lewis and his friends scrounge up the perfect group of misfits to join the revolution, Ms. Zarolla, coach of the school's award-winning all-girl drill team, vows to bring the Unitards to an end before they embarrass her and ruin the school's reputation. As she makes plans to hijack the newly formed dance team, the Unitards make their own plans to take over the school once and for all.

Come in or call and we'll get one right out.  We watched it today and it's a hit at our house!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Summer Bucket List for Kids,
by Michelle Snow, (author of Queen of Common Cents).

Here's a book to help you kids fill the long summer days with activities and crafts.  Filled with fun, original, and thoughtful ideas to keep up with your kids' sumertime energy. 

Approved by kids--just $12.99
Learn to make marshmallow guns, grow rock candy and learn how to hypnotize a chicken.  These are just a few of the fun ideas in this book. 

My kids have already tried some of theses and have plans for the rest.

Cross off you bucket list activities together as you fill your summer with family fun time.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Janitors

Are you looking for a good summer read for your kids?  Try this great book by Tyler Whitesides - Janitors.


"No one takes Spencer Zumbro seriously when he tries to warn his classmates about the mysterious things prowling the halls and classrooms of Welcher Elementary School. But when he sees Marv, the janitor, going after one ot the creatures with a vacuum, he knows he's not the only one who can see them. 

With the help of he new friend, Daisy, Spencer has to find out what the janitors know. The childrens' serarch uncovers the magic taking place behind the scenes of their seemingly ordinary school, where a battle is being waged for the minds of the students. Who can be trusted--and can Spencer and Daisy protect their school and possibly the world?"

But, don't take my word for it, listen to a few of the "Biggest Tyler Whitesides Fans", with a big
"I love this book!!!!"   from my own 11 y/o daughter.

Watch for Janitors II this fall. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Love Her Mother

How can a father raise a happy, well-adjusted daughter in today's increasingly toxic world?

"The most important thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother,"
 Elaine S. Dalton

Not my parents, but same scene.  :)
I am grateful for a father that did this so well.  I remember him coming home from work and the first thing he did was walk over and give my mom a big kiss. He not only loved her, but he showed us that he loved her.  There were times that my friends would be at our home and ask me "Do they always act like this?" and I would reply, "Don't yours?"  I thought everyones' parents held hands and kissed in front of their kids.   He passed away 17 years ago, but I know that my father truly loves my mother.

I'm blessed to have a husband and father to my own daughters that is following this counsel.  If we do anything right in raising our family, this we can say we have succeeded in.  They know that their father loves their mother. 


  Never stop holding hands.   Each summer I attended Young Women's Girls' Camp with our church and one year we had an elderly gentleman asked to come up and be our priesthood leader. He and his wife stayed in their own camper and every morning and we would see them walking to breakfast holding hands and many times throughout the day; if they were together, they were holding hands.  She even sat next to him in the pickup  seat.  This was such an example of how this man loved his wife and I have never forgotten that.

Be sure you continue to date, even if it's only a trip to the store or walk around the block to be alone together.  Talk and laugh, alot!
Wishing you all a wonderful Mother's Day and every other day, too.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

She Put the Music in Me - Calee Reed

Tribute to Calee's Mother and offered to mothers everywhere

This Mother’s Day tribute is performed by Calee Reed, the song is ‘She Put the Music in Me’ and is from Calee’s new CD “The Waiting Place”.  It's kind of an homage to Primary Songs, as well as a tribute to her own mother, who was diagnosed with cancer about 4 years ago and passed away last year.  Grab a tissue and enjoy. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WATERFALL MEMORIES A Parable of Motherhood

A perfect, inexpensive gift for anyone who mothers.

By Merrilee Browne Boyack  $2.99

"Motherhood is hard.  There are hours and days and weeks and months and years of hard work.  There are sick children to care for, messes to clean, decisions to make.  But through it all, thre are moments that take your breath away.  And as we look back on the experience, we remember the waterfalls."

A promised stroll by the river turned into a "horrible" 4 hour hike and an exhausted mother of 4 boys tells how looking back she remembers the waterfalls and rainbows. 

This heartwarming parable of motherhood will remind you of all the wonderful opportunities women have to love and nurture those around them, whether their own children or not. 

Call or come in an order yours today.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Life Lessons from Mothers of Faith

Are you looking for a great Mother's Day gift? Come in and take a look at some of the great books we have, like this one from Covenant Books:

Mother's of Faith

on sale this month for 10% off the list price. Has some great stories from famous moms and about moms of some famous Latter-Day Saints like:  Jimmer Fridette, Marjorie Pay Hinckley, Ann Romney, Jane Clayson and many more. 

Reg $29.99 On Sale this month for $26.99 (til 05/31/2012)

Latter-Day Saint sons and daughters give some great insights to their famous and sometimes
not-so-famous mothers from all walks of life.

 Like this from Richard G. Hinckley, son of Marjorie Pay Hinckley: 
"When I was very young, Mother once made a casserole for dinner.  I had never seen a casserole before, and when it came out of the oven, it must have looked vaguely familiar because I said quite innocently, "Mom, why did you bake the wet garbage?" She burst into laughter and repeated that story around the dinner table that night, but later in his life at a large meeting of the Saints.

 "Wet garbage" consisted of items that we often put through the garbage disposal--orange and apple peels, lettuce ends, carrot tops, and other waste collected during the preparing of meals.  You can imagine how he must have felt a bit silly as it was retold later in life.

This is only a small portion of this one wonderful mother's memory shared in this book. 
There are over seventy stories from or about: 
 Julie Beck,
 Steve Young,
Silvia H. Allred,
 Jim Matheson,
Ann Romney,
 Ruth Hale,
 Jason Chaffetz,
Janice Kapp Perry,
 Doug Wright,
Liz Lemon Swindle,
 J. Willard Marriott, Jr.,
 Harry Reid,
Sharlene Wells Hawkes,
 Gary Herbert,
Greg Olsen,
Susan Easton Black,
 Jimmer Fredette, 
one of my heros--Marjorie Pay Hinckley
 and dozens more.

Come in or give us a call and order yours today.

Friday, April 20, 2012

"forget me not"

"forget me not" by Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf is here. 

The long anticipated book by Pres. Uchtdorf has arrived in the store and is on sale now

All books come with a packet of forget me not seeds ready for planting (the seeds are on their way from Deseret Book...) and with every book purchase you can by the Liz Lemon Swindle print valued @ $6.95/ea for $2.95. 

Come in and get yours today.

If you preordered your book, they are here for pickup and you will also receive a free packet of forget me not seeds along with your free Liz Lemon Swindle print. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

I Love My Friends - Hank Smith by Covenant Communications

                              I Love My Friends - Hank Smith by Covenant Communications

Hank Smith is a great speaker.  Click on the link above and hear a short excerpt from his new CD,
"I Love my Friends!"

He has a way of teaching you while you are entertained.  We have this and more of his CDs.  Come on in and get one of your own.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Catalog

Have you seen the NEW books & things catalog?  You may have received one in the mail.  If you haven't, click on the link below the picture and you can browse the catalog from here.  If you find something you like, give us a call @ 719-274-0222 and let us help you out.  We take orders over the phone and can ship it out to you, anywhere.

If you know of something you want and don't see it here, still give us a call and we'll see what we can do to help you out.

Some of the items are not in the physical store, but I can access anything you see here and have it to you in no time. 

Friday, April 6, 2012


Just in time for Easter. 
This beautiful video of the last days of the Savior through the Resurrection is made up of segments from the latest bible videos on If you want to see them all you can go to and on the left side bar there is a link to "bible videos" and you can see the full length of each that this one was made up of.


May I share my testimony that He lives and stands as my advocate with the Father, if I will use his atonement in my life. 

May we all remember the life, atonement and resurrection of the Savior during this Easter Season and throughout the coming year.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Funny Moments from General Conference

Who says we don't have a sense of humor?

And, BTW, I saw our own Sis. Ashley Rodriguez standing in the front row singing with all of those beautiful missionaries. Only 5-6 away from Elder Archuleta...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


 I Believe In Christ 
Text: Bruce R. McConkie, 1915–1985. © 1972 IRI
Music: John Longhurst, b. 1940. © 1985 IRI

Thinking of my dad today.  This was his favorite hymn, so I thought I would share it with you today.  It epitomizes his love and testimony of the Savior. I can't sing this through without tears flowing as I think of two of my hero's.  Love you both.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Forget Me Not
Enter to win this FREE canvas print
By:  Liz Lemon Swindle
Books 'n Crannies
LDS  Books &
a Little Bit More

Forget Me Not

Inspired by the five petals of the tiny forget-me-not flower,  President Dieter F. Uchtdorf reminded the women of the church of five things
we will be wise  to never forget:
  • To be patient with ourselves
  • To distinguish between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice
  •  To be happy now
  • To focus on the "why" of the gospel
  •  To know that the Lord loves each of us infinitely.

 Forget Me Not
by Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Price: $14.99
A wonderful gift for any woman in your life!
You are closer to heaven than you suppose. You are destined for more than you can possibly imagine.
 Inspired by the five petals of the tiny forget-me-not flower, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf reminds us of five things we would be wise never to forget: to be patient with ourselves; to distinguish between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice; to be happy now; to focus on the "why" of the gospel; and to know that the Lord loves each of us infinitely.

1 FREE with the purchase 
of every book   
additional prints may be purchased for $6.95

Preorder between 31 Mar and 19 April receive a FREE       Forget Me Not
Liz Lemon Swindle 5x7 print and be registered for drawing for
the framed canvas print.  To be drawn 20 April 2012